The Angus Foundation’s 6th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at Prairie View Golf Club at Carmel, Indiana in conjunction with the National Junior Angus Show in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Funds raised at this year’s tournament, as in past years, will support the Angus Foundation’s education, youth and research activities. Player entry fees will again be $100 for adults and $75 for junior Angus members. For planning purposes, payments for sponsorships MUST be received by Monday, May 1, 2006. Recognition as a sponsor of the golf tournament will NOT be extended unless payment is received by this deadline. Player registrations MUST be received by Thursday, June 15, 2006. A late fee of $10 will be applied to players registering after the June 15, 2006 early registration date.
Promotional brochures and registration forms will be mailed to prior sponsors and players in early March or can be obtained from NJAA directors, regional managers and Angus Foundation staff. The Angus Foundation is excited to again offer this ever-increasingly popular and fun Angus social activity and fundraiser.
To receive a registration or sponsor form or additional information on the golf tournament, please call the Angus Foundation at 816-383-5100.