
Vicki Smith,
Horn Springs Angus Ranch, Lebanon, Tennessee, has painted a limited number of these beautiful necklaces. The 2005 NJAS logo is handpainted on each horn. She has made only 50 of these special pieces. Vicki is donating two to the Angus Foundation Silent Auction to be held during the 2005 NJAS. The remainder of the necklaces are for sale. She is donating 10% of all proceeds to the 2005 NJAS. These unique necklaces are priced at $50 for the small and $75 for the large. You can purchase one by contacting Vicki at 615.444.8701. |
Quilt information
2005 Junior Angus Show Quilt
The quilt for the 2005 Junior Angus Show will be mainly red, orange, and black with a lot of texture and color shading. It is a design from an ancient Zuni pot the central figures are rainbuds. It will be hand-quilted, reverse appliqué, and pieced. The size will be approximately 72" x 90". The quilt will be a bold and dramatic piece.
Auctioned for $5,000 to Delbert Wilson who then presented it back to Emma Dancinger in memory of David Dancinger. The quilt was auctioned at the Angus Social in Denver, Colorado at the National Western Stock Show. |
Riverbend Donation
Riverbend Ranch donated a heifer pregnancy to support the 2005 NJAS.

2008 N 55 W
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
(208) 528-6635
This confirmed heifer pregnancy donated by Riverbend Ranch offers leading-edge genetics from a donor dam who is regarded by many as one of the greatest young females in the breed.
Riverbend Rita 3047, the donor dam, anchors the Rita family at Riverbend and recorded an individual IMF ratio of 160 and an individual REA ratio of 127 in comparison to her contemporary group numbering 137 head earning her an IMF EPD of +.64 which ranks first among daughters of GAR EXT 614, the $460,000 valuation former world-record selling cow, and among the top 1% of the Angus breed for current dams, while her Ultrasound REA EPD of +.94, her %RP EPD of +.64, and her $Beef Value of $52.01 also rank among the top 1% of the population.
The sire of this futuristic heifer pregnancy, Bon View New Design 1407, offers an EPD tabulation that ranks him as the premier carcass merit and birth to yearling spread sire in the breed. Among all proven Angus sires, he records the 14th highest IMF EPD and ranks among the top 1% for $Beef Value and among the top 10% for lowest BW EPD, YW EPD, and Ultrasound REA EPD.
Riverbend guarantees a live heifer calf. |
The following ranches purchased this donation.
Five Star Land and Livestock; Oak Ridge; Bar R; Silveira Bros.; Precision Genetics; H.A.V.E.; Vintage; J/V; Chase Classic; and M & G.

In support of the 2005 National Junior Angus Show,
Thomas Angus Ranch donated the proceeds from the Pick of the Herd Flush that was Friday afternoon, January 14, 2005 during the National Western Angus Foundation Female Sale.
Sold to Bohi Land & Cattle, Wellsville, KS for $25,000.
This Pick of the Herd Flush will allow you the opportunity to select any female in the Thomas Angus Ranch program to flush to the bull of your choice. The buyer will be guaranteed 8 Grade #1 Embryos from any solely owned Thomas Angus Ranch female.
This unique opportunity will allow the buyer to select from a genetic base backed by these proven females.
Jaynbee Ranch Donation
Jaynbee Ranch, Bonners Ferry, ID, donated the proceeds from a heifer to the National Junior Angus Show. She is sired by Thomas Precision E161 2105. American Livestock Insurance Co., Geneva, IL, furnished insurance for her for 30 days after the sale. Randy Lathrop will delivered her free anywhere in the United States. All West Select Sires donated two straws of any semen they handle. Thanks to Bob Neumeyer, Jaynbee Ranch, for donating the proceeds from the sale of this heifer.
Jaynbee Malinda 440P
Calved 1/26/04 14778647
# Twin Valley Precision E161 (FR)
Thomas Precision E161 2105
Thomas Lucy 9427 |
# G A R Precision 1680
+W C C Blackcap C9 (R )
#+V D A R Lucys Boy
Thomas Lucy 6088 |
# Thomas Latigo
Jaynbee Malinda 519K
Thomas Malinda 7329 |
# G T Maximum
# Thomas Primrose 9302
# A A R New Trend
Thomas Lady 2230
Saddle Information
The winner of a custom made, hand-crafted saddle by Monty Rathbun, Kennewich, WA was Rollin Carlson, Everett, WA. The cost is sponsored by Inland Empire Angus Association. The drawing was held at the National Western Angus reception in Denver, Colorado. The proceeds are going to support the 2005 NJAS.
Bit information
This bridle is composed of several different parts that are handmade with heartfelt pride. Probably the showiest is the bit itself, which was produced by Garcia Bit and Spur Co. The bit is sterling silver that has been laid over iron (hence the term overlay) and then engraved by a true artist. Some of the silver workers who work for our company are descendants of the first Garcia.
The leather headstall is English bridle leather dyed that lovely Black Angus black and trimmed with Nevada silver conchos. The conchos are beautifully engraved and enhanced with nuggets of Nevada turquoise.
Capriolas (or Caps) is another historical company from here in the West. J.M. Capriola Co. is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and the store hasnt moved from the block it is on for all of those many decades.
We are proud to say we have manufactured quality, handmade items, including saddles, chaps and headstalls, for such diverse people as Sam Shepard and the late President Ronald Reagan.
The reins are hand-braided rawhide and are hanging from Garcia stainless steel rein chains.
We are proud to produce this fine bridle outfit and hope it will bring whomever wins it years of pleasure.
Friends in the West J.M. Capriola Co.
ELKO, NV 89801
The winner of the bit was Gene George. The drawing was held at the Western National Angus Futurity in Reno, Nevada.
Montana Junior Angus Raffle/Auction
We make a living by what we get . . .
We make a life by what we give . . .
As a co-sponsor of next years National Junior Angus Show in Denver, Colorado, the Montana Junior Angus Association (MJAA) is challenged to contribute through committee work and financially to the success of the show. To accomplish the financial needs, a group of five young Montana Angus Breeders have banded together to offer an incredible package that was raffled/auctioned Saturday, October 16, at the NILE Female Sale. These five young people are all past presidents of the Montana Junior Angus Association and are well on their way to careers in all phases of agriculture. Every one of these individuals commented how much they benefited from their involvement in Montana Junior Angus programs and how excited they are to offer opportunities to current MJAA members.
$10,000 was donated to the 2005 NJAS from the proceeds raised throught the raffle/auction of this heifer.

Tom & Corinne Patterson
Tom Patterson and his wife, Corinne, have generously donated a March 2004 heifer calf sired by Rockn D Ambush out of a Leachman Right Time daughter. Tom is a graduate of Kansas State University and served as chairman of the National Junior Angus Board in 2001 and is now employed with MachineryLink in Kansas City. Corinne is Associate Editor of the Angus Journal. Tom was President of the MJAA in 1998.

Bill Cook
Bill Cook will serve as auctioneer for this fundraiser. Bill is now a professional livestock auctioneer and is stockyards manager of Billings Livestock Commission Company. He is also a representative of Northern Livestock Video and assists his family on the Vermilion Ranch. Bill was President of the MJAA in 1997.

Jamie Pepper
Jamie Pepper will offer her talents to fit this heifer. Jamie attended Oklahoma State University and graduated from Montana State University. She is actively involved in her familys Birdtail Ranch Angus and Treasure Test and is employed by Hilt Veterinary Service of Dutton, MT. Jamie prepares many show and sale cattle throughout the year. Jamie was President of the MJAA in 1996.

Bob Stevenson
Bob Stevenson will offer his embryo transplant services to flush this heifer. Bob is in charge of all ET and ultrasound work on his familys Stevenson Angus Ranch. He annually ultrasounds thousands of animals and flushes some of the most valuable donors of the Angus breed. Bob will flush this heifer anywhere within the state of Montana, and offers out of state winners his services at Stevenson-Basin facilities only. Additionally, if desired by the new owner, Stevenson-Basin will provide 2 free units of semen from any sire they own. Bob graduated from Montana State University and served as the 1996 National Junior Angus Board Vice Chairman. Bob was President of the MJAA in 1993.

Jeff Flesch
Jeff Flesch, now of Colorado, will photograph the heifer and picture her sale day with the new owners. Jeff is a professional livestock photographer and his business is Big Sky Cattle Services. He is a graduate of Colorado State University and is employed with Dr. Tom Rea doing embryo transplant work with Genetics West. Jeff was President of the MJAA in 1999.
Completing this package, Randy Lathrop of Lathrop Livestock Transportation, Dundee, IL, will deliver this heifer free of charge anywhere in the continental United States. When approached about this fundraiser, Lathrop commented that he would be proud to do anything to support the Junior program. Lathrop has a long history of similar support to the Angus Foundation Heifer Package that is offered every year at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO.
Following the heifer raffle/auction a semen auction will be held to augment the fundraiser. Hinman Angus, Rollin' Rock and Bodner Angus have already donated 10 straws of HA Image Maker 0415. Be sure to check out the NILE Female Sale Catalog for a complete list of donated semen. Additional donations are anticipated and if you wish to donate semen, call John Patterson at 406/445-2332 or e-mail blkcow@hotmail.com.
For those of you who have never attended a National Junior Angus Show... you have missed an incredible event. Every July, junior Angus members from all across America gather for a week of contests and fellowship that we call the NJAS. This year the show in Kansas City set a new record with more than 1,200 animals exhibited, but the NJAS is much more than a livestock show. It includes contests for public speaking, team sales, photography, posters, graphic design, creative writing, quiz bowl and Cook-Off to name a few of the non-showring activities. It is the goal of this fundraiser to make the show happen for all juniors nationwide, but we will never forget our own Montana Junior Angus members. The Denver show offers them the best opportunity to attend an NJAS and while a portion of the funds raised from this package will go to support the show, rest assured adequate funds will be reserved from the total to assist Montana members with their expenses. Our objective is to get as many Montana Junior members as possible to be able to experience the magic of the NJAS.
Winston Churchill said it best,
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. We owe these five Montana Junior Angus Alumni and Randy Lathrop a big thank you. They know what opportunities the Montana Junior Angus created for them, your generosity and support will ensure those opportunities continue for others.
Raffle/Auction Procedure . . .
The Raffle/Auction of this years donation heifer is exactly the same format as previous fundraisers held at the NILE Female Sale. The sale is in the auctioneers hands, every $10 bid buys you 1 ticket. For example, a $1000 bid buys you 100 tickets; the more you bid, the more tickets you control. The first winning bidder usually controls the most tickets. The auctioneer will ask how many people would like to be in at that money, if 5 people in the crowd wish to bid $1000 they each will control 100 tickets. The package is sold again, possibly for $900 and those individuals are identified and they purchase 90 tickets. This method allows people to bid at a comfort level they can afford and still participate in the fundraiser. Once all bids are exhausted the auction is complete, the tickets are grouped and the winner will be selected at the end of the NILE Female Sale. The semen auction will be for semen only, no certificates and buyer is responsible for shipping and handling. Should you be unable to attend the auction, but would like to support the Juniors, John Patterson or any MAA Board member would be happy to assist you with your bid. |
South Dakota Quilt
We will raffle this quilt in February at the South Dakota Angus Association annual meeting. The tickets will sell for $5 each or $20 for 5. You can contact Shally at (605) 321-3806 or e-mail DRogen3061@aol.com if you are interested in purchasing tickets. The quilt picture will be the front cover of the South Dakota Angus News which will be out August 1, 2004.

Thanks to the donors and buyers contributing to the 2004 Signature Showcase event held June 12, 2004, at Five Star Land & Livestock, Wilton, Calif. The live and silent auctions raised more than $22,000 to benefit the California Jr. Angus Association with $5,000 of the proceeds going to the 2005 National Junior Angus Show to be held in Denver, Colo. Pictured are some of the buyers and donors.