How can I Help?
Hosting the NJAS takes a great deal of hard work and commitment.
We have many committees. Look them over and see what you are interested in. Contact the committee chairperson if youre interested in helping or if you have any ideas.
NJAS 2002 Chairmen
Co-Show Chairmen:
Leslie Mindemann (262)593-8836
Keri Retallick (608) 794-2256
Cody Quam (608) 592-3649
Amanda Downing (262) 547-0677
Scott and Mia Bayer (715) 359-3256
Renee Radcliffe (715) 359-3218
Jaclyn Zimmerman (608) 348-4956
Educational Activities:
Brian Bolan (608) 635-8867
Susan Quam (Cook-Off) (608) 288-9534
Jill Kozminski (262) 392-9714
Food and Meals:
Rena and Dave Koning (608) 325-9808
Fund Raising/Finance:
Rick Mindemann 9262) 593-8836
Ben Kohl (262) 623-3984
Gifts and Trophies:
Dave and Shannon Horstmeyer (608) 839-4649
Tom and Phyllis Tomaw (608) 437-8321
Jill Kozminski (262) 392-9714
Deanna Hartzell (715) 526-5484
Dennis Kohl (262) 623-3984
Dan Downing (262) 547-0677
Brady Quam (608) 592-3649
Gary and Cindy Quam (608) 592-4697
Opening Ceremonies:
Mary and Bethany Kohl (262) 623-3984
Queens Reception:
Marilyn and Deanna Hartzell (715) 526-5484
Sue Finley (608) 723-6770
Doug and Emily Johnson (608) 837-7746
Social Activities:
Greg, Cathy and Dana May (608) 987-3561
Cyndie Kegley (262) 642-4433
Trade Show:
Paul and Diane Handsaker (815) 369-4556
Jaye Zimmerman (608) 348-4956
Kathy and Don Miller (262) 857-7168
Keela Retallick (608) 749-2256