The 2001 NJAS planning commitee would like to say thanks to the following individuals/farms for their donations and support of the 2001 NJAS.

The famed outdoor Western photographer, Linda Dufurreno, is donating an outdoor photograph and notecard prints of the photograph to be auctioned off at the National Western Angus Futurity in Reno, Nev.
G Bar Angus, Lodi, CA, is donating a Sept. 2000 heifer to be auctioned off at the Western National Angus Futurity in Reno, Nevada.
The heifer is an outstanding daughter of Connealy Dateline out of one of G Bar's premier donor cows, Tehama Pride Dent Z276. Z276 is a truly powerful daughter of Tehama Bando 155 and was the high-selling cow at Tehama Angus Ranch 1998 Female Sale. To view the female's pedigree and EPDs click here.
Owners of G Bar Angus are Fritz & Phyllis Grupe, and the director of cattle operations is Tom Wulff.
Under Western Skies Quilt

Featuring the Colorado Mountains, Forests and of course Angus
Pieced and hand quilted by Emma Danciger
Tickets: $2
Make Checks to: 2001 National Junior Angus Show
To Request Tickets Contact:
Emma Danciger
Tybar Angus
1644 Prince Creek Road
Carbondale, CO 81623
(970) 963-1391
(970) 963-0469 FAX
The winning ticket will be drawn at the National Western Angus Futurity in Reno, Nev. in April
Joe Cook, (r) president of the Montana Junior Angus Association, and Rob Erickson, Western Ranch Supply of Billings and Great Falls, MT, are pictured in front of the chute.
The officers and advisors of the Montana Junior Angus Association (MJAA) have purchased (at a substantial discount) a new Pearson Squeeze Chute from Western Ranch Supply of Billings and Great Falls, MT, to use as a money-making project for the 2001 NJAS.
Tickets for this $2,400 chute will be sold for $5 each or 5 for $20. The winning ticket will be drawn in April during the Angus Sale at Midland Bull Test. Please contact any MJAA member or call (406) 445-2332 for tickets.

Sawtooth Angus
Mike and Julie Patton, Sawtooth Angus, donated a heifer at the Idaho State Show and Sale.

Green Angus
Larry Green had a semen auction at his 2000 Production Sale in Denver. In his 2001 sale he will be selling embryos.

Vintage Angus Ranch
Donated one of their best fall heifer calves, VAR Lass 9362. Shes a Sept. 99 daughter of VDAR Lucys Boy. The package included one years livestock mortality insurance from American Livestock Insurance, Geneva, IL; free transportation by Lathrop Trucking, Dundee, IL; and one free flush from Precision Genetics, Klamath Falls, OR.
The heifer sold in Reno at the Western National Angus Futurity for $5,000. The syndicate donated her back to Vintage Angus to sell in their October 8th female sale. In October the heifer sold to Lazy H Ranch, Colorado, for $9,000.
For more information about the heifer contact Vintage Angus Ranch at (209) 521-0537.
North American International Livestock Exposition
Angus Reception
November 12
Louisville, KY
During the reception James Fisher, American Angus Association Director of Junior Activities, introduced Carla Malson and Tari Hoagland, co-chairs of the 2001 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). |
Five Star Land and Livestock, Wilton, CA, purchased the No. 1 Limited-edition 2001 NJAS cap for $200. They presented the hat to Dave McMahon of Belle Point Ranch, Fort Smith, AR. |
This print by Amanda Raithel, Falls City, NE, sold for $800 raising funds for the 2001 NJAS. Purchasing the artwork was Jerry Lehmann, Platte City, MO. |
National Western Stock Show
Angus Reception
January 11
Denver, CO
A hand-sewn quilt made by Debra Parreira and her mother Mamie Weathers, both of Los Banos, Calif., was auctioned January 11 at the 2001 National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colo. Robert Dillie, Mackford Cattle Company, West Port, S.D., purchased the quilt for $6,500. Each square of the quilt featured brands from Angus breeders who had previously purchased the squares. Pictured from left includes Debra Parreira, Los Banos, Calif.; Robert Dillie, West Port, S.D.; and Tari Hoagland, co-chairperson of the 2001 NJAS.
Stevenson/Basin Angus Ranch, Hobson, Mont., purchased the back cover to the 2001 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) program, January 11 at the 2001 National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colo. Pictured from left includes Tari Hoagland, co-chairperson of the 2001 NJAS; Doug Stevenson, Darrell Stevenson and Keith Stevenson, all of Hobson, Mont.
National Western Stock Show
Foundation Female Sale
January 12
Denver, CO

Kiowa Creek Ranch, Elbert, Colo., donated a February 2000 daughter of Northern Improvement to the 2001 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). Kahn Cattle Company, Rydal, Ga., purchased the donation heifer for $5,000. Pictured from left includes Ric and Quentin Miller, Kiowa Creek Ranch, Elbert, Colo.; and Jim Raines, Kahn Cattle Company, Rydal, Ga. |
Thomas Angus Ranch, Baker City, OR, donated a pick of their herd flush in memory of Gloria Thomas, the matriarch of the Thomas family.
Thomas Angus Ranch, Baker City, Ore., donated a pick of their herd flush in memory of Gloria Thomas, the matriarch of the Thomas family, to the 2001 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). The flush sold January 12 at the 2001 National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colo., to Paws Up Angus, Dave and Nadine Lipson, of Greenough, Mont., for $15,500. The Thomas family decided to offer the runner-up bidder the same package. Kahn Cattle Company, Rydal, Ga., purchased the second package for $15,000. The Thomas family guarantees 10 implantable eggs. The work to process the flush is being donated by Western Genetics, Inc., Galen Lusk, DVM, Sugar City, Idaho. Pictured from left includes Dave and Nadine Lipson, Paws Up Angus, Greenough, Mont.; Rob, Lori and Bob Thomas, Baker City, Ore.; Tari Hoagland and Carla Malson, co-chairwomen of the 2001 NJAS; and Jim Raines, Kahn Cattle Company, Rydal, Ga. Michelle and Matthew Malson, Parma, Idaho, are holding the banner.
For more information about the flush contact Rob or Lori Thomas at (541) 523-7958 or e-mail
Green's Commitment to Excellence Sale
January 11 Embassy Suites, DIA
Denver, CO
These embryos raised $6,500 for the 2001 NJAS.

Green Angus Ranch Embryo Donations
One Frozen Embryo
Sire: WK Gunsmoke
Dam: Greens Reba 4777
One Frozen Embryo
Sire: Stevenson Bruno 561G
Dam: Greens Dolly 6877
One Frozen Embryo
Sire: WK Online
Dam: Greens Della 8513

Roth Angus Ranch Embryo Donations
Two Frozen Embryos
Sire: TC Stockman 365
Dam: GDAR Lady Forever 650
Two Frozen Embryos
Sire: HSAF Prompter ET
Dam: Circle A Barbara Bell 5059
Two Frozen Embryos
Sire: Millcreek Diversity
Dam: GB Miss Shipps 2093

Corey A Ranch Embryo Donations
Two Frozen Embryos
Sire: GDAR SVF Traveler 234D
Dam: AAR Comanches Princess 699

Deep Creek Angus, Potlatch, ID, donated a pick of its 2001 heifer crop. Chances were auctioned off with one chance for every $10 bid. A total of $3,630 was collected. Shawn Sarter, P&S Farms, Logan, UT was the lucky winner. Pictured is Shawn and Carol Thompson of Deep Creek Angus. A special thank you to Carol for this generous donation. Also thanks to all of those who purchased tickets on the donation heifer: Malson Angus Ranch Sawtooth Cattle Co. Sugar Top Angus Camas Prairie Picabo Angus Idablack Angus Pinder Family Callison Angus Tomeria Ranches P&S Farms Butch Booker Simpers Angus Mike & Laurie Lancaster Hendricks Angus Gem State Angus Rocking P Angus Beach Magic Angus Dr. Pat Richards Salmon Tract Angus 101 Ranches Bear Mtn. Angus Rimrock Angus Rocky Mtn. Angus Lazy D Livestock Reynolds Bros. Angus Pristine Springs Angus Armstrong Family Spring Cove Ranch

Rogue River Ranch, Central Point, OR, donated a Traveler/EXT show heifer prospect that sold at the Oregon Select Sale, March 4 for a total of $5,600. A syndicate first bought the heifer for $3,300 and then donated the heifer back to be auctioned again. Barbara Korenjak of Corey A Ranch, North Plains, OR bought her for $1,300 and then donated her back to be auctioned again. Debbie Malin, Susan Malin & Scott Ennes of Trails End Angus, Oregon City, OR, purchased the heifer for $1,050. The syndicate included: Silveira Bros., Mendota, CA Sunrise Ranches, Powell Butte, OR Traynham Ranches, Eagle Point, OR Holiday Ranch, Terrebonne, OR The Morgan Family, Canby, OR Knapp Angus, Sandy, OR Boehlke Angus, Nampa, ID Jacobs Angus, Sherwood, OR TLC Angus, Bliss, ID Malson Angus, Parma, ID Rocky Mtn. Angus, Weiser, ID Butch Booker, Colfax, WA
Greg Garcia, Central Point, OR, donated a flush that raised $1,000 and was purchased by Packham Ranch, Richard, Janet & David Packham, Roseburg, OR.